UST International Ph.D. Program in Photonics


Home E Study / 學生專區 E 台聯大光電博士學位學程(招收外籍生) UST International Ph.D. Program in Photonics


近年來,台聯大四校積極改善校內國際化環境,外籍學生正逐年快速成長,透過教師的國際化、研究的國際化、課程的國際化、學生的國際化等四面向規劃,結合實務教學與實習制度,銜接台聯大現有的碩士學位學程; 整合各校國際研究生的招生與課程,吸引更多優秀國際科技尖兵; 統合各校之國際研究生管理及獎學金審核,將提供國際生更優質的服務養成具國際競爭力之專業人才,落實及推動台聯大國際化政策,始成立「台聯大國際研究生院光電博士學位學程」。

The Institute of Biophotonics at National Yang-Ming University was established in 2002 as a key plan in Taiwan to catch up today’s fast evolving discipline of biophotonics. The Multi-disciplinary Biophotonics and Molecular Imaging Team at NYMU and Taipei Veteran General Hospital (TPVGH) has built up a comprehensive array of technological platforms including laser microscopy/nanoscopy & spectroscopy, laser tweezers, manipulators, & microsurgery, yanmainbiophotonics sensors, computational modeling, and a wide range of multimodality imaging platforms for pre-clinical & translational researches as well as clinical applications. Our contributions via active national and international research collaborations have achieved world-wide recognition. We are committed to provide a warm and friendly research and education environment with uncompromised academic standard to students.


UST International Ph.D. Program in Photonics